Dear Members and friends,
Thank you for being part of our Cayucos Historical Society family. It is important for us to stay in touch with all of you and make you aware of what we are doing.
If you haven’t visited us at our location at the Cayucos Surf Company, 146 North Ocean, please do so if you can. In our new exhibit The Native Past of the Central Coast, the prehistory and development of the local San Luis Obispo area from 15,000 years ago to the present can be viewed. This is an exceptional portrayal of the Chumash heritage, and is the best and most complete documentation available. While you are there, please give a special thank you to Lisa and Kevin McClory, owners of the Cayucos Surf Company.
Good news! CHS is bringing back “History Night” this Fall.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram. We already have over 1500 followers, all of whom find our pictures and information engaging and interesting. Jan Lewis has is doing a great job keeping the site up-dated.
Also, please take a look at the restoration of the “Cass Warehouse,” better known as the Cayucos Veterans Hall. CHS is hoping to move into a new museum space this year in this restored historic building. Fingers crossed!
We have some tentative surprise events for next spring. Stay tuned. You can look forward to our next newsletter with more information before the end-of-the-year holidays.
We are so glad you have made it to our website. The correct url listing is cayucoshistoricalsociety.com. PLEASE tell everyone to make sure to use the “.com” designation. Another group uses our moniker with “.org” and that is not us!!!
Thank you for your continued support of your Historical Society. We appreciate each and every one of you.
Your Cayucos Historical Society Board

The Exhibit Newsletter
“A Window to our Past.” Historical perspectives and current events to inform our shared history are made available in the Cayucos Portal.
Click on the buttons below to download your newsletter of choice.
Exhibit location and events
Events for 2024 are being developed.
Please continue to check the website for all rescheduling and updates. There will be a History Night in the Fall. That date to be determined.
Come visit us at the Cayucos Surf Company!
Thank you all so much!
All Friends of Cayucos
We are always looking for volunteers for various tasks. If you have an interest in the helping currate and foster the local history of Cayucos, please let us know by emailing: cayucoshistorical@gmail.com
Meet one person who made a big mark in the local history of California
Approximately 11,000 to 10,000 BC Chumash and Salinan people settled the coastal MorroBay/Cayucos area, including a large Chumash village to the south of Cayucos at Morro Creek.
There are several theories of how the name Cayucos was derived. The most accepted is that it is the Hispanicization of a Chumash word for "kayak," or "canoe," used by the Chumash people to fish in the bay, particularly in the rich kelp beds just north of the current Cayucos pier. The town took its name from the old Rancho Moro y Cayucos, a Mexican land grant awarded in 1842 that includes the present area of the town.
In 1867, Captain James Cass came to the area and settled on 320 acres with the intent of farming. But his interest was in shipping. Cass began a shipping company with a business partner, Captain John J. Ingals. In 1875, the town of Cayucos was established by William Babcock, after which Cass was able to buy 15 acres where his business was located. He eventually built a 940-foot pier and a warehouse to house agricultural, dairy, bales of seaweed, and grain cargo bound for San Francisco or Los Angeles, along with astonishing quantities of lumber imports for the James Cass & Company lumber yards.
Shortly after the turn of the 20th Century, at the age of 83, James Cass, known for putting Cayucos on the map for the thriving shipping trade, gradually expanded his interests to include maintaining his apple and walnut orchards, farming, his own dairy and creamery operations, and in 1916, resumed his earlier interest in hog-raising. He never stopped working. James Cass died in Cayucos at the age of 92. His death certificate humbly listed his occupation as “retired merchant."

Become a supporting member
The Cayucos Historical Society is a not-for-profit, 501c3 organization to preserve our local history.
Supporting the Cayucos Society is now very easy.
Join online with a credit card: Choose the level of title or membership for yourself or a friend (gift) by selecting from the list below. A window will open to complete your donation. A digital receipt of your gift will be sent.
And thank you!
If by check, you may still mail to: Cayucos Historical Society PO Box 143, Cayucos, CA 93430
Contact Us
Cayucos Historical Society PO Box 143 Cayucos, CA 93430